Timelines for migration to post-quantum cryptography NCSC Feed 2 days 21 hours ago Activities which organisations must carry out to migrate safely to post-quantum cryptography in the coming years.
Setting direction for the UK's migration to post-quantum cryptography NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago Why the key milestones for PQC migration are part of building and maintaining good cyber security practice.
A different future for telecoms in the UK NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago NCSC Technical Director Dr Ian Levy explains the technical impact of the recent US sanctions on the security of Huawei equipment in the UK.
Security, complexity and Huawei; protecting the UK's telecoms networks NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago With 5G set to transform mobile services, Ian Levy explains how the UK has approached telecoms security, and what that means for the future.
Use of Russian technology products and services following the invasion of Ukraine NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago Cyber security – even in a time of global unrest – remains a balance of different risks. Ian Levy, the NCSC's Technical Director, explains why.
The future of telecoms in the UK NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago NCSC Technical Director Dr Ian Levy explains how the security analysis behind the DCMS supply chain review will ensure the UK’s telecoms networks are secure – regardless of the vendors used.
So long and thanks for all the bits NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago Ian Levy, the NCSC’s departing Technical Director, discusses life, the universe, and everything.
TLS 1.3: better for individuals - harder for enterprises NCSC Feed 3 days 5 hours ago The NCSC's technical director outlines the challenges that TLS 1.3 presents for enterprise security.
Thinking about the security of AI systems NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Why established cyber security principles are still important when developing or implementing machine learning models.
There's a hole in my bucket NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago ...or 'Why do people leave sensitive data in unprotected AWS S3 buckets?'
The problems with patching NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Applying patches may be a basic security principle, but that doesn't mean it's always easy to do in practice.
The strength of the ICS COI is the team NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Join the Industrial Control System Community of Interest (ICS COI), and help build CNI expertise across the UK.
The security benefits of modern collaboration in the cloud NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago By exploiting cloud services, organisations no longer have to choose between ‘more security’ and ‘better usability’.
The problems with forcing regular password expiry NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Why the NCSC decided to advise against this long-established security guideline.
The logic behind three random words NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Whilst not a password panacea, using 'three random words' is still better than enforcing arbitrary complexity requirements.
The future of Technology Assurance in the UK NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Chris Ensor highlights some important elements of the NCSC's new Technology Assurance strategy.
The Cyber Assessment Framework 3.1 NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Latest version of the CAF focusses on clarification and consistency between areas of the CAF.
Thanking the vulnerability research community with NCSC Challenge Coins NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Reflecting on the positive impact of the Vulnerability Reporting Service – and introducing something new for selected contributors.
Terminology: it's not black and white NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago The NCSC now uses 'allow list' and 'deny list' in place of 'whitelist' and 'blacklist'. Emma W explains why...
Telling users to ‘avoid clicking bad links’ still isn’t working NCSC Feed 1 week 3 days ago Why organisations should avoid ‘blame and fear’, and instead use technical measures to manage the threat from phishing.