Government Communications Security Bureau
The NCSC delivers all recommendations following IPAC review
The GCSB’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has implemented all improvements identified by the review of malicious cyber activity targeting members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC).
NZSIS and NCSC launch security advice for tech start-ups alongside Five Eyes partners
The New Zealand intelligence agencies have today launched new security guidance to help protect emerging technology companies from a range of threats, particularly those posed by foreign-state actors.
NCSC review of response to IPAC incident released
A review of the GCSB’s National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC’s) practices and procedures arising out of reported malicious cyber activity targeting members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC).
Response to IGIS report on Human Rights Risk Assessments
NCSC briefs IPAC representatives on response to malicious cyber activity
Representatives from the GCSB’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have spoken with current and former New Zealand members of Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) regarding reports of malicious cyber activity targeting members of IPAC in 2021.
Statement to Intelligence and Security Committee by Director-General Andrew Clark 26 March 2024
Thank you for the opportunity to update you on the work of the GCSB.
NCSC’s response to the Parliamentary Counsel Office and Parliamentary Service cyber incident
In August 2021, the Government Communications Security Bureau’s (GCSB) National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) became aware of malicious cyber activity affecting the Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO) and the Parliamentary Service.
Response to IGIS report on GCSB hosting of a foreign capability
The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) accepts the recommendations of the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) report into the GCSB’s previous hosting of a foreign capability.
February 2024 New Zealand Information Security Manual v3.7 Release
A new version of the New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM) has been released.
New Zealand takes the first step in creating a lead operational cyber security agency
CERT NZ today joined with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the first step in creating a lead operational cyber security agency.
NCSC’s partnership with industry wins Spirit of Service – Service Excellence Award and Prime Minister’s Award
The GCSB's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has been awarded the Public Service Commission’s Spirit of Service – Te Tohu mō te Ratonga Whakahirahire, Service Excellence Award, and the overall Prime Minister’s Award for its collaboration with industry partners to strengthen New Zealand’s cyber defence capabilities.
Scam calls using GCSB name
We are aware of a cold call telephone scam from individuals claiming to be from the GCSB.
Statement to Intelligence and Security Committee by Andrew Hampton, Director-General GCSB
GCSB Director-General Andrew Hampton opening statement to Intelligence and Security Committee on Monday 27 March 2023.
September 2022 New Zealand Information Security Manual v3.6 Release
Updates finalised for the v3.6 release of the NZISM include four policy changes and a small number of minor and editorial changes.
Diversity Works NZ award for GCSB and NZSIS
The cybersecurity implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
NCSC Director Lisa Fong shares cyber insights in 2022 Gallipoli Memorial Lecture
As part of international Anzac Day commemorations for 2022, National Cyber Security Centre Director Lisa Fong delivered the Royal United Services Institute’s annual Gallipoli Memorial Lecture.