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AFLGO Source Code Analysis: Graph Construction and Distance Calculation
AFLGO is a modification of AFL that perform directed fuzzing, for more information, please read the paper. In this article, I will analyze source code of AFLGO that constructs call graph and control flow graphs of given program to be fuzzed and uses these graphs to calculate distance from each block to target locations. Most of these works are implemented in and distance_calculator/main.cpp. The analysis is based on commit 154cf6f84951ee5099732e267d1e7c79c233f278, in case if author might change the code in the future.
0x01 Two Stages of CompilationWhen we are using AFLGO, unlike AFL by using which we only need to compile the target binary with afl-* compiler for once, we need to compile the target binary twice. The first compilation is in order to analyze the program to generate information (e.g. control flow graphs) needed for computing distances; the second compilation is the actual instrumentation that generates binary to be fuzzed.
This is clearly illustrated in function AFLCoverage::runOnModule at if TargetsFile is set, then analysis step is performed; if DistanceFile is set, then instrumentation step is performed. For analysis step, we also need to set an OutDirectory to output results of analysis.
Generation of InformationWhen compiling for analysis, variable is_aflgo_preprocessing is set to true, and the execution goes into if (is_aflgo_preprocessing) branch. In this branch, all functions except ones in Blacklist is iterated; all blocks in these functions and all instructions in each of these blocks are also iterated just like what a llvm pass usually does, except instructions from external libraries starting with "/usr/". Part of source code is shown below.
for (auto &F : M) { bool has_BBs = false; std::string funcName = F.getName().str(); /* Black list of function names */ if (isBlacklisted(&F)) { continue; } bool is_target = false; for (auto &BB : F) { std::string bb_name(""); std::string filename; unsigned line; for (auto &I : BB) { getDebugLoc(&I, filename, line); /* Don't worry about external libs */ static const std::string Xlibs("/usr/"); if (filename.empty() || line == 0 || !, Xlibs.size(), Xlibs)) continue; // ...Firstly, each block will be associated with a block name, bb_name, which is assigned to be bb_name = filename + ":" + std::to_string(line), where filename and line are location associated with the first instruction that has DebugLoc of this block.
if (bb_name.empty()) { std::size_t found = filename.find_last_of("/\\"); if (found != std::string::npos) filename = filename.substr(found + 1); bb_name = filename + ":" + std::to_string(line); }In addition, filename and line are compared against all target locations. If they match one of the target locations, is_target will be set to true. Such boolean variable is used to add all functions that contain target location to Ftargets.txt.
if (!is_target) { for (auto &target : targets) { std::size_t found = target.find_last_of("/\\"); if (found != std::string::npos) target = target.substr(found + 1); std::size_t pos = target.find_last_of(":"); std::string target_file = target.substr(0, pos); unsigned int target_line = atoi(target.substr(pos + 1).c_str()); // parse the target location if (! && target_line == line) is_target = true; } } // If a function contains any target location, it will be recorded to Ftargets.txt if (is_target) ftargets << F.getName().str() << "\n";It also extracts CalledFunction of CallInst, if any, and records a bb_name and function name pair into BBcalls.txt. This is used to map each basic block to all functions which it calls.
if (auto *c = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) { std::size_t found = filename.find_last_of("/\\"); if (found != std::string::npos) filename = filename.substr(found + 1); if (auto *CalledF = c->getCalledFunction()) { if (!isBlacklisted(CalledF)) bbcalls << bb_name << "," << CalledF->getName().str() << "\n"; } }During iteration, all basic block names and function names are also recorded into BBnames.txt and Fnames.txt respectively. (bbnames << BB.getName().str() << "\n"; and fnames << F.getName().str() << "\n";)
Control flow graph of each function is also recorded to cfg.[funcName].dot in dot-files directory using WriteGraph(cfgFile, &F, true) function in llvm.
std::string cfgFileName = dotfiles + "/cfg." + funcName + ".dot"; std::error_code EC; raw_fd_ostream cfgFile(cfgFileName, EC, sys::fs::F_None); if (!EC) { WriteGraph(cfgFile, &F, true); } InstrumentationUsing information collected above, for each basic block in binary, a distance to target locations will be calculated and stored in a file, which is passed via DistanceFile and used in instrumentation step. I will detail the way to calculate distances later.
The instrumentation step is comparatively simple. Compared to original AFL instrumentation, one more distance-related operation is added. As it iterates all basic blocks, it finds in the distance file whether current basic block has a distance value recorded. If so, the distance value is magnified by 100 and converted into integer, and used in instrumentation to be added to shm[MAPSIZE]. Also in instrumentation, shm[MAPSIZE + (4 or 8)] is incremented by one. In this way, when this basic block is executed in runtime, shm[MAPSIZE] will be added by its distance to target locations and shm[MAPSIZE + (4 or 8)] will be incremented by one.
if (distance >= 0) { // if a distance is found ConstantInt *Distance = ConstantInt::get(LargestType, (unsigned) distance); /* Add distance to shm[MAPSIZE] */ Value *MapDistPtr = IRB.CreateBitCast( IRB.CreateGEP(MapPtr, MapDistLoc), LargestType->getPointerTo()); LoadInst *MapDist = IRB.CreateLoad(MapDistPtr); MapDist->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None)); Value *IncrDist = IRB.CreateAdd(MapDist, Distance); IRB.CreateStore(IncrDist, MapDistPtr) ->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None)); /* Increase count at shm[MAPSIZE + (4 or 8)] */ Value *MapCntPtr = IRB.CreateBitCast( IRB.CreateGEP(MapPtr, MapCntLoc), LargestType->getPointerTo()); LoadInst *MapCnt = IRB.CreateLoad(MapCntPtr); MapCnt->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None)); Value *IncrCnt = IRB.CreateAdd(MapCnt, One); IRB.CreateStore(IncrCnt, MapCntPtr) ->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None)); } 0x02 Calculating DistancesThe distance generation is wrapped by a script In this script, construct_callgraph function is called to first generate call graph from llvm .bc file. This is achieved by llvm built-in -dot-callgraph utility executed in function opt_callgraph. The result call graph for all binaries is finally stored at
Then calculating_distances function is called to execute distance_calculator/main.cpp for actual distance calculation.
Call Graph DistanceFirstly call graph distance is computed through executing main.cpp using function exec_distance_prog., Ftargets.txt and Fnames.txt are provided as input and callgraph.distance.txt is provided as output. These file paths are passed to main.cpp as arguments. In main.cpp, graph is processed using C++ boost library. I will not detail stuff about boost library here but core parts that calculate the distance, which starts at function cg_calculation.
This function accepts 2 arguments, first one is the boost graph representation that represents the call graph of the program, and second one is an array that stores all functions present in Ftargets.txt. What this function does is only map each target function name to actual nodes in type vertex_desc, and return these nodes.
std::vector<vertex_desc> cg_calculation( graph_t &G, std::ifstream &target_stream ) { cout << "Loading targets..\n"; std::vector<vertex_desc> targets; for (std::string line; getline(target_stream, line); ) { bo::trim(line); for (auto t : find_nodes(G, line)) { targets.push_back(t); } } if (targets.empty()) { cout << "No targets available\n"; exit(0); } return targets; }find_node is a function that maps vertex name to actual vertexes in the given graph.
std::vector<vertex_desc> ret; bo::graph_traits<graph_t>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end; for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(G); vi != vi_end; ++vi) { // iterate all vertexes if(G[*vi].label.find(n_name) != std::string::npos) { // if label of the vertex contains given name, push it to return array. // Note that n_name here is preprocessed with node_name, // so function name that is substring of another function name does not cause problem ret.push_back(*vi); } }Actually, I cannot come up with the case where 2 or more vertexes correspond to one name. (e.i. 2 or more functions in call graph have the same function name) However, for control flow graph later, this might be possible and will be covered later.
After cg_calculation, it iterates all vertexes represented by functions present in Fname.txt:
std::ifstream names = open_file(vm["names"].as<std::string>()); // ... for (std::string line; getline(names, line); ) { bo::trim(line); distance(graph, line, targets, outstream, bb_distance); }Function distance is the actual function that calculates the distance. It firstly calculates distances using init_distances_from, which calculates shortest distances of all nodes from node n. Then call graph distances are calculated.
for (vertex_desc n : find_nodes(G, name)) { std::vector<int> distances(bo::num_vertices(G), 0); init_distances_from(G, n, distances); double d = 0.0; unsigned i = 0; if (is_cg) { for (vertex_desc t : targets) { auto shortest = distances[t]; // shortest distance from n to t if (shortest == 0 and n != t) continue; // only consider reachable targets d += 1.0 / (1.0 + static_cast<double>(shortest)); ++i; } } else { // ... } double tmp = static_cast<double>(i) / d; if (d != 0 and (distance == -1 or distance > tmp)) { distance = tmp; // result is the minimum distance of all nodes } }According to code, formula for calculating the call graph distance for a node \(n\) (which represents a function) is:
\[\large min_{n}\frac{|T_n|}{\sum_{t \in T_n} \frac{1}{1+S_{n\rightarrow t}}}\]\(min_n\) stands for we want to find the minimum value among all \(n\) returned from find_nodes, but I think in call graph case there should be at most one vertex being returned; \(T_n\) means set of all reachable targets from \(n\); \(S_{n\rightarrow t}\) means distances[t], which is the minimum distance from \(n\) to \(t\).
Basic Block DistanceAfter calculating call graph distances, the Python script then calls function calculate_cfg_distance_from_file for each cfg.*.dot file in dot-files, which represents control flow graph of each function. This function also calls main.cpp, but this time with cfg.*.dot, BBtargets.txt, BBnames.txt, callgraph.distance.txt(generated in last step) and BBcalls.txt as inputs, and name + ".distances.txt" as output. Note that this time the arguments passed are completely different from call graph case: call graph of program is replaced by control flow graph of each function; Ftargets.txt is replaced by BBtargets.txt; Fnames.txt is replaced by BBnames.txt.
Similarly, the distance calculation part starts with function cfg_calculation. Firstly, call graph distance file is converted into an std::unordered_map that maps function name to distance.
for (std::string line; getline(cg_distance_stream, line); ) { bo::trim(line); std::vector<std::string> splits; bo::algorithm::split(splits, line, bo::is_any_of(","));; assert(splits.size() == 2); cg_distance[splits[0]] = std::stod(splits[1]); }Also, for each basic block in control flow graph of current function, we collect all functions it calls using BBcalls.txt. Among these functions that have cg_distance, AFLGO get the minimum of these and set bb_distance to it.
for (std::string line; getline(cg_callsites_stream, line); ) { bo::trim(line); std::vector<std::string> splits; bo::algorithm::split(splits, line, bo::is_any_of(","));; assert(splits.size() == 2); if (not find_nodes(G, splits[0]).empty()) { // only process basic blocks in current CFG if (cg_distance.find(splits[1]) != cg_distance.end()) { // only process called functions with `cg_distance` if (bb_distance.find(splits[0]) != bb_distance.end()) { if (bb_distance[splits[0]] > cg_distance[splits[1]]) { bb_distance[splits[0]] = cg_distance[splits[1]]; } } else { bb_distance[splits[0]] = cg_distance[splits[1]]; } // get the minimum cg_distance of all functions called by a basic block } } }Finally, bb_distance of all target locations in current function is set to 0. However, I think this part is a bit problematic, because BBtargets.txt does not necessarily contain basic block name (e.i. It can be location of instruction other than first instruction of this basic block).
for (std::string line; getline(targets_stream, line); ) { bo::trim(line); std::vector<std::string> splits; bo::algorithm::split(splits, line, bo::is_any_of("/"));; size_t found = line.find_last_of('/'); if (found != std::string::npos) line = line.substr(found+1); if (not find_nodes(G, splits[0]).empty()) { bb_distance[line] = 0.0; cout << "Added target BB " << line << "!\n"; } }Then similar to call graph one, distance function is used to actually calculate the distance for each line in names. Note that here variable names is file BBnames.txt instead of Fnames.txt, which contains names of all basic blocks in the program. Firstly, if the basic block can be found in bb_distance, then the distance is simply 10 times its basic block distance.
if (not is_cg and bb_distance.find(name) != bb_distance.end()) { out << name << "," << bo::lexical_cast<std::string>(10 * bb_distance[name]) << "\n"; return; }The other parts are same as the call graph distance calculation, except the else branch that is omitted last section. Another thing to note is that as mentioned before, it is possible for one basic block name to be mapped to multiple vertexes (e.i. find_nodes returns 2 or more elements). This can be caused by location in inline function.
for (auto &bb_d_entry : bb_distance) { // iterate each basic block name with bb_distance double di = 0.0; unsigned ii = 0; for (auto t : find_nodes(G, bb_d_entry.first)) { // iterate each basic block with this name auto shortest = distances[t]; // shortest distance from n to t if (shortest == 0 and n != t) continue; // not reachable di += 1.0 / (1.0 + 10 * bb_d_entry.second + static_cast<double>(shortest)); ++ii; } if (ii != 0) { d += di / static_cast<double>(ii); ++i; } }The for loop iterate each basic block name with bb_distance (we will call them target basic blocks in following). Note that bb_d_entry.first that is not in current processing function is simply skipped, so only target basic blocks in current function is processed. Also, if all vertexes of a target basic block name in current function is not reachable by \(n\), it will also be discarded.
For a target basic block name \(T\), its distance \(D_{n\rightarrow T}\) can be calculated as follows:
\[\large D_{n \rightarrow T} = \frac{\sum_{t \in V_n(T)} \frac{1}{1 + 10 D_{bb}(t) + S_{n \rightarrow t}}}{|V_n(T)|}\]\(V_n(T)\) means all basic block vertexes associated with basic block name \(T\) that is reachable from starting node \(n\); \(D_{bb}(t)\) means bb_distance of basic block vertex \(t\); \(S_{n \rightarrow t}\) means the shortest distance from vertex \(n\) to vertex \(t\) in the control flow graph.
The final target distance of basic block \(n\) is calculated as follows:
\[\large min_n \frac{|S_T|}{\sum_{T\in S_T} D_{n \rightarrow T}}\]\(min_n\) means we want the minimum distance among all vertexes returned from find_node (e.i. all vertexes with given basic block name); \(S_T\) is the set of all names of target basic blocks reachable by \(n\) in current processing function.
0x03 OthersAs we can see, the actual implementation is a bit different from the one mentioned in paper, and this is the reason why I decides to investigate its source code.