Technological adoption, demographics, politics, and uniquely Latin American law enforcement challenges have combined to make the region uniquely fertile for cyberattacks.
The addition of SnapAttack, a startup incubated by Booz Allen Hamilton’s Darklabs, will enhance Splunk with accelerated SIEM migration and proactive threat hunting.
LLMjacking operation leveraged illicit access GenAI services to produce explicit celebrity images and other harmful content, Microsoft's digital crimes unit says.
The federal government views the defendant as a flight risk and danger to the community due to his ability to access sensitive and private information.
Data collected by cyber-insurers show that ransomware accounts for the majority of insurance claims, but that much of the losses stem from third-party breaches affecting policyholders.
As the UAE financial sector finished up its annual cyberattack exercise, its worries about ransomware compromises and geopolitical attacks are on the rise.
A host of automated approaches identifies and remediates potential vulns while still retaining a role for security analysts to filter for context and business criticality.
OSPS Baseline provides a starting point for project owners and adopters to understand an open source project's security posture by outlining all the controls that have been applied.