X-Force Executive Update
Serial: 2022-IRIS-13268 | Date: 2022-04-15 | TLP: GREEN
Industroyer2 Discovered in Foiled Cyber Attack Against Ukrainian Electric Grid
A foiled Russian cyber attack on Ukraine's electric grid involving a new piece of ICS-specific malware, Industroyer2, is the highest-profile cyber operation that has taken place since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February and raises the specter of further attacks against Ukrainian networks. X-Force assesses that Russia is likely to continue
Oftentimes, organizations view supply chains as an extension of their own business and require suppliers to adhere to codes of conduct, efficiency standards, and more. Today, this has expanded to environmental sustainability goals as well. Companies understand that the environmental impact of their economic activity is not limited to their direct operations. It?s integral to look beyond direct emissions and risks to the entire value chain.
Although we?ve made significant progress as a community in this regard, there are still instances in which the outcome of DNS spoofing attacks can go undetected. In this article, we describe a DNS spoofing attack that goes unnoticed by users.