MFC 任务管理器设计 - 杀死比特
在学习界面设计,因为对一些控件不熟悉,所以也参考了别人的。核心代码如下。void CTasklistDlg::Expand(){ m_list.SetExtendedStyle(LVS_EX_GRIDLINES | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); m_list.Insert...
When you quantify security, the numbers are big and plentiful. The reality of data being compromised is staggering, but we...
The post Security, By the Numbers, Is Big appeared first on McAfee Blog.
Speaking Notes for Speech to the Kiwicon 9, (11.12.15) by Una Jagose, Acting Director, GCSB
Speaking Notes for the Opening Statement to the Intelligence & Security Committee by Andrew Hampton, Director, Government Communications Security Bureau.