我的 2020
2020 对我来说是比较难忘的一年,工作上负责的项目进展不合预期,生活上因为疫情被困在家里,没法出去旅游,压力很大经常失眠。不过回顾这一年,经过不断的反思和复盘,自己的认知能力得到了很大提高,解...
This is the first in a multi-part blog series on cryptography and the Domain Name System (DNS). As one of the earliest protocols in the internet, the DNS emerged in an era in which today’s global network was still an experiment. Security was not a primary consideration then, and the design of the DNS, like […]
The post The Domain Name System: A Cryptographer’s Perspective appeared first on Verisign Blog.