CVE-2014-6950 | Civitasmedia Mt. Airy News 1.0069.b0069 X.509 Certificate cryptographic issues (VU#582497)
CVE-2014-6949 | Fotoschilenas Akne Ernahrung 1 X.509 Certificate cryptographic issues (VU#582497)
卖出 68 亿,「黑神话」成 Steam 最畅销游戏;魅族产「红旗手机」曝光;「AI Siri」明年 1 月到来|极客早知道
ИИ – защитник или параноик: что будет, если внедрить LLM в камеры видеонаблюдения?
CVE-2016-7271 | Microsoft Windows 10/Server 2016 Secure Kernel Mode access control (MS16-150 / Nessus ID 95767)
Цифровой паразит: CVE-2024-20017 незаметно превращает гаджеты в послушных марионеток
CVE-2007-3505 | QuickTalk forum qtf_j_exists.php lang path traversal (EDB-4115 / XFDB-35117)
Implement DevOps Best Practices for Web Apps on Linux
If you need clarification about why or how you should use Linux in your DevOps project for web app development, then this article is for you. In an era when DevOps is trending, underestimating the potential of Linux can prove to be a very fatal mistake. Linux’s flexibility and reliability allow organizations to leverage their […]
The post Implement DevOps Best Practices for Web Apps on Linux appeared first on TuxCare.
The post Implement DevOps Best Practices for Web Apps on Linux appeared first on Security Boulevard.
Risks and Mitigation of Insider Threats
Risks and Mitigation of Insider Threats Insider attacks are growing, whereby 60% of organizations in the past year alone have suffered employee-related data breaches. Surprised? Most businesses get blindsided by the people they put their most trust in. It can be accidental data leaks or malicious actions, but the risk is very real and, regrettably, …
Risks and Mitigation of Insider Threats Read More »
The post Risks and Mitigation of Insider Threats appeared first on Parablu.
The post Risks and Mitigation of Insider Threats appeared first on Security Boulevard.