iOS RE 4 beginners 1 - MachO && class-dump
之前在 iosre看到一张比较系统的iOS逆向学习路线图,因为接触过一段时间macOS上服务的漏洞挖掘,所以对*OS安全还是挺有兴趣的,也一直想系统性地学习下iOS逆向,之前的一直不成体系,也很零碎,正好对着这个图重构下知识体系。
之前在 iosre看到一张比较系统的iOS逆向学习路线图,因为接触过一段时间macOS上服务的漏洞挖掘,所以对*OS安全还是挺有兴趣的,也一直想系统性地学习下iOS逆向,之前的一直不成体系,也很零碎,正好对着这个图重构下知识体系。
One of the most unexpected trends of recent years is the way ransomware has turned high-impact cybercrime incidents into a public spectacle. For ransomware criminals, the more public the better. Extra publicity equals more embarrassment for the victim, which even if it doesn’t result in a ransom being paid serves as a warning to future […]
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