This post is part of a series on privacy-preserving federated learning. The series is a collaboration between NIST and the UK government’s Responsible Technology Adoption Unit (RTA), previously known as the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. Learn more and read all the posts published to date at NIST’s Privacy Engineering Collaboration Space or RTA’s blog . Our first post in the series introduced the concept of federated learning and described how it’s different from traditional centralized learning - in federated learning, the data is distributed among participating organizations, and
David Darais, Joseph Near, Dave Buckley, Mark Durkee
原文:Separation Anxiety: A Tutorial for Isolating Your System with Linux Namespaces 随着 Docker、Linux Containers 这些工具的出现,将 Linux 进程隔离到自己的小系统环境中隔离变得非常容易。这使得在
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