Now that the Authy Desktop app has reached EOL and is no longer accessible, users are hoping their 2FA tokens synced correctly with their mobile devices.
In a monoculture, cybercriminals need to look for a weakness in only one product, or discover an exploitable vulnerability, to affect a significant portion of services.
A simple toggle in Proofpoint's email service allowed for brand impersonation at an industrial scale. It prompts the question: Are secure email gateways (SEGs) secure enough?
The prolific ransomware group has shifted away from phishing as the method of entry into corporate networks, and is now using initial access brokers as well as its own tools to optimize its most recent attacks.
The process took two years, but this is the first successful settlement obtained under Texas' Capture or Use of Biometric Identifier Act, which forbids the capture of biometric data without users' explicit consent.