CVE-2024-39275 | Advantech ADAM-5630 up to 2.5.1 persistent cookies containing sensitive information (icsa-24-270-02)
CVE-2024-39364 | Advantech ADAM-5630 up to 2.5.1 HTTP Request missing authentication (icsa-24-270-02)
Iranian hackers charged for ‘hack-and-leak’ plot to influence election
CVE-2024-46097 | TestLink 1.9.20 TestPlan Edit Section tplan_id access control
CVE-2024-25411 | Flatpress 1.3 setup.php username cross site scripting
CVE-2024-46257 | NginxProxyManager 2.11.3 requestLetsEncryptSslWithDnsChallenge command injection
Meta fined $101 million for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
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USENIX NSDI ’24 – Harmony: A Congestion-free Datacenter Architecture
Authors/Presenters:Saksham Agarwal, Qizhe Cai, Rachit Agarwal, David Shmoys, Amin Vahdat
Our sincere thanks to USENIX, and the Presenters & Authors for publishing their superb 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '24) content, placing the organizations enduring commitment to Open Access front and center. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
The post USENIX NSDI ’24 – Harmony: A Congestion-free Datacenter Architecture appeared first on Security Boulevard.
What are SMB Ports, Port 139 and Port 445?
Organizations are increasing their use of various solutions to address communication needs across their infrastructure. As file systems are an integral part of collaboration, this article will dive into one of the most widely used protocols necessary for many systems. We will learn more about the SMB protocol, Port 139, Port 445, how it works, … Continued
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The Data Breach Disclosure Conundrum
The conundrum I refer to in the title of this post is the one faced by a breached organisation: disclose or suppress? And let me be even more specific: should they disclose to impacted individuals, or simply never let them know? I'm writing this after many recent such